How to Make Money From Photography

The idea of making money from something which you love doing is one that many will try to instill in our minds, but one which for many, will only ever be an idea. On the flip-side however, there are many people out there who are turning their love for something or a hobby of theirs, into a money making career. Today we are going to touch on one such hobby which you can use to make some extra money for yourself or even forge out your very own career, photography. It isn’t relevant what kind of photographer you are and whether you are a wedding snapper a newborn photographer or an action clicker, here are some of the ways that you can use your photography skills to make money.

Selling Snap

Let’s start with the obvious option of selling your prints, something which is not as difficult as you may think. The key to making money from selling your prints is to keep the cost of your photos low, and sell in bulk. You can of course shoot to order which can bring in some much needed cash or alternatively you could use the power of the internet and social media as a medium to sell your prints.


There are many people out there who would love to learn more about photography but cannot tell a  filter from a tripod. You can seize this opportunity and actually use your skills to make money through teaching people. There are a couple of ways in which you can do this, you could do face to face teaching, you could teach over Skype or you could even upload tutorials to video sharing sites such as YouTube. People are always willing to pay to learn something new and if you are a good teacher and a knowledgeable photographer, you could be the person who they pay.


The internet has really brought people from around the world a great deal closer and one of the consequences of this is that finding freelance work for global magazines and blogs, has never been easier. You can use sites like Upwork to find people who are looking for a photography gig and if they like your resume, you can start getting to work. The benefit of using this kind of service is that you can work when and how you want, the only downside to freelance gigs are that they can be sporadic in terms of the amount of work which you get.


Events like weddings, christenings and corporate events are a great way to make some excellent income and if you do a good job, work of mouth can spread like wildfire in these circles. The key to getting the jobs is really about ensuring that you are putting yourself out there in terms of business cards, social media and attending events to take some sample shots.

It is well worth putting the work in to forge a career out of something you love and if you want to start turning your hobby into a money maker, you are going to have to struggle at first.

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