The best egg myths debunked by Norco Ranch

In the age of the superfood, it would certainly be fair to say that there are plenty of myths and misconceptions mulling around. While not directly a superfood, the fact that eggs are regularly implemented into a high-protein diet means that plenty of misinformation is published about them.

All of the above is the reason we have put together today’s guide. Norco Ranch have extensive experience when it comes to eggs, and it won’t come as a surprise to read that they’ve heard pretty much every misconception under the sun. Through the remainder of this post, we’ll take a look at some of the best ones.

Myth #1 – All eggs need to be stored in the fridge

Let’s start with a classic, although in truth, it might be true in some cases.

For those of you based in America, Australia, Japan and Scandinavia the myth is actually a reality. This is because all eggs in these regions have the risk of carrying salmonella. As a result of this, the authorities have made it a requirement that all eggs in these areas are washed before being sold. While this might sound completely fine, this washing process removes the egg’s natural protection and means that they can spoil if they are not refrigerated.

Alternatively, if you reside outside of such regions, it’s completely fine to keep your eggs at room temperature.

Myth #2 – Egg yolks are unhealthy

We’ve mentioned the health benefits of eggs already, and this next myth touches on a common reason why many people avoid eggs. Many believe that the yolk is unhealthy and will therefore avoid like the plague.

Sure, egg yolks have more fat than egg whites, but in moderation this isn’t going to pose a problem. After all, humans still need fat to survive and in truth, there are far worse places to obtain it other than the yolk of an egg.

As such, our advice is to consume egg yolks as normal – unless  your overall consumption is bordering on the ridiculous.

Myth #3 – “Cage-free” eggs are better for the hens

This is one of those topics where a ridiculous amount of misinformation is regularly published. The main reason behind all of the inaccuracies is probably because of the producers themselves as well. In the case of “cage-free”, this is terminology which doesn’t exactly paint the picture that most of us are expecting when we read the label.

If you do see “cage-free”, you really shouldn’t get your hopes up. While it’s true that the animals aren’t going to be in pens, that doesn’t mean to say that they are going to have masses of space to manoeuvre. They will most likely be placed into crowded pens, which some might suggest defeats the purpose.

In short, if you do want to make sure you are getting your eggs from a “happy” environment, the best advice is usually to turn to the smaller, local farms.


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